Cybercinétose en Réalité Virtuelle : Comprendre et Combattre le Mal
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Cyberkinetosis in VR - Causes, impact and prevention

by Nathan Chadaigne on Feb 29, 2024

Virtual reality (VR) has revolutionized our way of interacting with the digital world, but it has also introduced a new discomfort: cyberkinetosis. This phenomenon, often compared to motion sickness, affects a significant number of VR users. This article explores the nature of cyberkinetosis, its causes, impacts, and strategies for minimization.

What is Cyberkinetosis?

Definition and Symptoms

Cyberkinetosis, or "virtual reality sickness," manifests with symptoms similar to motion sickness, such as nausea, dizziness, headaches, and spatial disorientation. These symptoms can appear quickly and intensify with the duration of VR exposure.

Studies have shown that cyberkinetosis affects a significant but variable portion of VR users (between 20 and 80% of users are subject to the condition*). Factors such as age, gender, and prior experience with VR can influence susceptibility to cyberkinetosis.

*Source: INRS scientific publication "Cyberkinetosis in the professional environment".

The Causes of Cyberkinetosis

Sensorial Desynchronization

The primary cause of cyberkinetosis is the desynchronization between visual signals and other senses, particularly the inner ear which manages balance. This mismatch creates confusion in the brain, leading to the symptoms of cyberkinetosis.

Quality of the Immersive Experience

The resolution, refresh rate, and latency of VR systems play a crucial role. Low-quality or poorly configured hardware can exacerbate sensorial desynchronization and therefore increase the risk of cyberkinetosis.

Impacts of Cyberkinetosis


Beyond the immediate physical symptoms, cyberkinetosis can have long-term effects on users' well-being, limiting their ability to enjoy VR experiences.

Widespread Adoption of Virtual Reality

The fear of cyberkinetosis can be a major barrier to the adoption of VR in various fields, including gaming, education, and professional training.

Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Gradual Adaptation and Controlled Exposure

It is often recommended to start with short VR sessions and gradually increase the exposure time to allow the body to adapt. An adaptation program is therefore recommended for the negative effects to diminish over time.

Improvement of Technology

Advances in VR technology, such as high-resolution and low-latency screens, can reduce the risk of cyberkinetosis. Continuous innovation is essential to make VR more accessible and comfortable.

Practical Tips for Users

Simple tips like maintaining a cool environment, using fixed visual reference points in VR, and taking regular breaks can help alleviate the symptoms.


Cyberkinetosis remains a major challenge in the field of virtual reality, but a better understanding of its causes and effective strategies for prevention and treatment can help overcome this problem. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that cyberkinetosis will become less and less of an obstacle to the immersive VR experience.

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